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Friday, 6 October 2017

EPE Department has organized a One - day workshop on Wind Resource Assessment

EPE Department has organized a One - day workshop on Wind Resource Assessment 

 6th October 2017. 
One day workshop on Wind Resource Assessment has been organized for the M Tech Energy Systems and M Tech Renewable Energy Engg. students. by Mr. Balaji Venkateswaran (Asst. Prof EPE Department).

In this workshop a brief introduction was delivered towards wind energy harnessing and the importance of wind resource assessment towards wind farm planning. Also, the participants are exposed through hands on training towards different software such as WindSim, WAsP, Global Mapper used in wind resource assessment.
·         Hands on experience on Generation of 2D/3D terrain model and data conversion.
·         Hands on experience on Wind fields: establish numerical database.
·         Hands on experience on Wind Farm layout using Climatology data conversion.
·         Interpretation of the simulation.

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