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Wednesday, 7 February 2018


EPE Department is organizing a 2 day workshop on "Condition Monitoring of Electrical Equipment'sby Mr. Hemant Bari (BINDT VA -2 Certified, Life member of CMSI ASI & TSI Deputy General Manager, MTP Dept, Condition Monitoring Cell, Reliance Infrastructure, Dahanu Thermal Power Station) for our B Tech PSE-VIII Sem, B Tech Electrical VIII Sem, M Tech ES and M Tech REE-1st Year Students, session consist of both class room session and field activity where students will have the hand on the instruments used for recording the data, how to collect the data and also how to analyze it. 

Condition monitoring is the process of monitoring a parameter of condition in machinery (vibration, temperature etc.), in order to identify a significant change which is indicative of a developing fault. It is a major component of predictive maintenance. The use of condition monitoring allows maintenance to be scheduled, or other actions to be taken to prevent consequential damages and avoid its consequences. Condition monitoring has a unique benefit in that conditions that would shorten normal lifespan can be addressed before they develop into a major failure. Condition monitoring techniques are normally used on rotating equipment, auxiliary systems and other machinery (compressors, pumps, electric motors, internal combustion engines, presses), while periodic inspection using non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques and fit for service (FFS)[1] evaluation are used for static plant equipment such as steam boilerspiping and heat exchangers.

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